Friday, November 13, 2015

Beginners Guide of League of Legends Game 2015

 New Players Beginners Guide of League of Legends 2015

Game League of Legends has been developed by RIOT Games. For the players, Beginners Guide of League of Legends is being presented. In this Beginners Guide of League of Legends, useful information has been included which will give a great benefit to the new players.

In this guide, each and every aspect of the game League of Legends has been included and main focus is upon the information for the newbies and new players. This beginners guide will certainly help them.
Step by Step information is being provided :

Know about Step 1 : First step is Tutorial

In the game, when you load the game, you will be asked to read tutorial. After completing the starting tutorial, go to Step 2.

In the tutorial, you will understand every aspect of League of Legends and should have had some Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) experience.

If you do now want to read the tutorial after loading up up the League of Legends game, you can play it by clicking Play > Tutorials > Basic Tutorial
It will take few  minutes to complete the starting tutorial. In this starting tutorial, you will learn basics of League of Legends and it would be good for new players.

After completion of tutorial, we move on to getting familiar with the game League of Legends.

Know about Step 2 : Exploring the Client

After loading the game initially, the League of Legends client can be a lot to take in. There are many options and windows upon which you have to click on.


You can take your time to explore the client before jumping into the multiplayer, it may be valuable your time to get a feel of each and everything.
After doing this, you may realize the Runes and Masteries tabs within your profile, these are significant at a later stage. You should not have any tension about Runes and Masteries until you have played a few games first, so we will discuss them separately.

Know about Step 3 :  The Pre-Game Lobby

You cannot PvP unless you reach at level 3 which leaves you to face the AI alongside your team (real players). The difficulty of the AI is up to you. You can either play the easiest mode ‘Intro’ that provides new players with sufficient helpful tips and hints or you can go with ‘Beginner’ which is easy but removes some of the helping hands you got.

After entering your first Pre-game lobby, chances are that you will see people saying things like ‘top’, ‘adc’, ‘mid’, ‘jungle’ or ‘support’. These are all the roles each player plays. It is up to the players in the lobby to co-ordinate and make sure there is one player per role.

You should not worry about lanes and roles in Co-op vs. AI, go in any lane.

You should ignore the Runes and Masteries.

It is must for you to select your character to play in the pre-game lobby.  Pick one you like the look of, you can also find out more information by selecting one and then clicking the portrait.

For Details about champions on the League of Legends client, you should go to Profile > Champions.

The champion portraits that are coloured are the ones you will be able select and play in the game, try finding a couple of them that suit your play style (tanky, supportive, high damage) so you know what to pick in the champion select screen.

Also, you should select Two summoner spells, the two default are a speed boost and heal, you can change them by clicking on the icons. The full set of summoner skills can be seen by you and what they do by going to Profile > Spells. Pick whatever spells you believe suits you best.
Lock in and get ready to roll out with your selected champion!

Know about Step 4 : First Game

This is really an important moment for you. First few games are very important for you. In case you want to be ahead of fellow beginners in the real PvP after level 3, you need to learn some important basic information that you are unaware of the same.

When you first spawn in, next to the platform there is a shop keeper, you are going to want to shop for your first items. It can look confusing at first due to the large amount of different items but you should not worry there is a Recommended items tab for you to look at.


It would be good if you buy the items the game suggests, especially if you don’t know what the items really are. You can highlight each items and a small window appears giving you details, its worth while to read the ones you purchase to get an understanding.

You must remember to shop each time you are in the base

Items can be sold by you and undo recent purchases

Many items build into something better

You should Press ‘P’ to open the shop window

After your little shopping spree, its time to head out into the big bad world and start killing things. It is a pretty large map, where do you go? What do you do? Its best for new players to enter one of the 3 lanes.

The three lanes are
Middle and

Usually there is one player in Top, one player in Middle and two players at Bottom with your fifth team member in the jungle (the dark forest areas between lanes). However, it is not uncommon for there to be two players in the top with no players in the jungle during the lower levels of League of Legends.
At this point, it does not matter where you go but if you would like to play with a team mate, its best to go bottom. It is not a good idea to have 3 people in the bottom so if there are already 2 heading that way, pick another lane.

In order to succeed in your lane, you must farm the small enemy minions for gold and use that gold to purchase better items. Remember you only get gold when you are the person to have the finishing blow on the minion. Basically try kill your enemies, destroy the turrets and win (or lose) the game.


You should continue to play vs AI until you reach level three and if you feel that you are ready to progress into PvP and want to know how to prepare for it, in further part two guide of League of Legends

In part two of League of Legends beginners guide there is a guide to runes, a guide to masteries, a guide to champions, lanes and roles. Everything you need to know in order to get ahead of your enemies in the early stages of League of Legends.

Hope you have read useful information about League of Legends and would play well. So, Enjoy the Game!!!!

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